So it has already been two and a half months. Funny how fast the time is going. Everyone in the U.S is probably preparing for the major holidays of the year and bundling up because the temperature, I'm guessing, is dropping rapidly. Here everyone is putting away the winter clothing and preparing for summer. Christmas in EXTREME heat is what I am preparing for. That will defiantly be a change for the wonderful New England Christmas weather. School is pretty hectic because I have exactly 21 days left until summer. All of the people in "cuatro medio" aka seniors are preparing for the PSU - a test similar to the SAT except their life kind of depends on it...The rest of the school is preparing for typical end of the year things, last tests before finals and so forth. Once we get out of school, I have a 4 month summer to look forward to. In that time I am going to Patagonia, on a 20 day scout trip which will consist of bonding activities and community service, and then switching families.
26th of November -Thanksgiving (not celebrated here)
27th of November - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL
13th-19th of December - Patagonia Trip
25th of December - Christmas
27th of December - Switch Families