Similar to us in the United States, September 11 is a historic day throughout Chile. In Chile on September 11, 1973 was when President Salvador Allende was over thrown by the military coup. All throughout chile people are celebrating. It is a national holiday and is celebrated for a week. Therefore many schools are out for the entire next week. Mine included :) Before this day in gym classes throughout the country, the students learn the different traditional dances and each grade has a different dance to learn. The dances are so well performed and so fun to watch. The colors, music and enthusiasm from everyone makes it a spectacular performance. I was practicing to perform the dances with them but opted out to take pictures. I am happy I did. My favorite dance was performed by students in "cuatro medio" which is equivalant to our senior year in the US. It is called "la tirana." It is a dance from the north of chile. The music and costumes were beautiful.
This is a photo of what was performed by "tercero medio", equivalent to junior year.
photo 1: performing "la tirana"
photo 2: boys dress for "la tirana"
photo 3: girls dress for "la tirana"