Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Years in Chile

So for New Years in Chile, it is once again a very family oriented tradition. Since I just changed families, I was going to be celebrating New Years with my new family. Funny how Rotary makes you switch between Christmas and New Years the most difficult times for some people when they are on exchange. Anyway, yeah so for New Years my new family and I go to my “aunts” house where she is having this huge dinner. We go over around 10 and are talking and having appetizers. Meeting new family members again. Great fun. Then we all have a Christmas like dinner which ends at 11:30 so everyone can prepare for the 12 moment. Everyone has to get a glass of champagne and twelve grapes to represent I am guessing the twelve months of the year before so you can get prepared to start of f a New Year. It is very difficult to eat 12 grapes in 12 seconds. Anyway after that everyone gets ready to go to their New Years eve parties. I went to a disco for maybe people 30 years old with my cousin…we still had fun but ya nbd.